Friday, September 18, 2009

virtually back

summer's gone and the day's getting shorter....

and as usual the time on my hands is getting longer.

i present the evidence
  • i joined facebook
  • i made more than my share of noise in my high school alumni reunion yahoo group
  • i formatted my macbook pro and installed snow leopard
  • and most important, i re-activated this blog and prodded myself to post
i know--it's been a long while since i've written anything new. i've been working all of last year and just couldn't find the time and energy. the metabolism has really changed. i remember when i could stay-up past midnight even until early morning and still make it to work the next day. now i'll be lucky to stay awake to watch my favorite shows at 10pm.

or perhaps i'm just more creative when autumn leaves begin to fall.

perhaps this time it would last til next summer....

i'll keep my fingers crossed for me.

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