Tuesday, September 9, 2008

getting old with an old acquaintance

yo so check it out--it's been a real busy year. i'm seriously doubting if i can really keep up with this blogging. i've been in serious pain for a couple of days now. i feel just as bad as the economy but i'm trying to put my good foot forward, since gout gotta hold of my other big toe.

tv and i have become re-acquainted now that I am on the flip-side of life.... i make time for tv even though I feel there's no more time to make. but lately, i've been watching tv in a whole new way.

i've been downloading the shows i've been following from EZTV, mainly because there are no ads to fast forward thru and i can watch it at my own convenience. and it's always nice to be able to rewind, slow-mo, pause whenever you need to or just want to.

maybe later, i can share with you how you too can watch tv like dvd.

stay tuned....

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