Saturday, September 19, 2009

of weasels and people

the average american prevaricates some 200 times daily!

weasels. equivocates. or just plain lies....

this was surprising even to me.... it has been the most important thing in my interactions with people now--i catch someone in a lie once, i tell them right away--twice and i cut off any further connections. if i couldn't because i have to work with them, i just treat whatever they say at face value or with a grain of salt.

the liar in your life: how lies work and what they tell us about ourselves

surround yourself with as many honest friends as you can find. it's more important than money, or fame or glamor. have the strength to walk away from dishonest people, specially those who "honestly" believe their own lies to be the truth. it should be the #1 factor in living your life.

it's difficult to balance believing the innate good in people with protecting your best interest and keep from getting hurt emotionally. but as with most things, practice makes perfect. walk away. disconnect. vamoose. once you make it the rule, you'd be alright.

this much i have learned--that nothing destroys character more than dishonesty.

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